Jim Cornette: arrivano conferme sulle accuse ai suoi danni? Sorgono aggiornamenti sulle accuse di abusi sessuali fatte a Jim Cornette e alla moglie
La scorsa settimana, Jim Cornette e la moglie Stacey si sono aggiunti i numerosi nomi del wrestling accusati di abusi e molestie sessuali come conseguenza del movimento #SpeakingOut. Secondo le accuse, Jim Cornette avrebbe concesso opportunità agli atleti della vecchia OVW solo se questi ultimi avessero avuto rapporti sessuali con la moglie.
Cornette ha cercato di smentire queste accuse sui suoi social media e sul suo podcast, ma qualcuno si è recentemente fatto avanti per dare più conferma a queste accuse. Si tratta di Josh Ashcraft, dipendente OVW che ha confermato quello che è stato detto dall’uomo dietro le accuse, Phil Earley.
Le dichiarazioni di Ashcraft
Josh Ashcraft si è fatto avanti su Twitter in difesa di Phil Earley e ha riassunto la sua conferma.
#SpeakingOut Phil Early is not a liar. The name that was blanked out in the messages was mine. I will support and back him on this fully. He was trying to protect me by giving background and context to his story. This may take a few tweets so stay with me.
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
Phil Early non è un bugiardo. Il nome censurato nei messaggi era il mio, sono pronto a confermare tutto quanto. Ha cercato di proteggermi quando ha raccontato quanto è accaduto. Ci vorrà qualche tweet quindi state qui con me.
2. When I got involved with the Cornettes I had heard the stories and rumors about stuff like everyone else did. Things didn’t get bad until late 2015 when I tried to separate myself from the situation. I had started to get interest in someone and decided that I wanted to move on
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
3. Suffice to say that the situation didn’t end well. Stacey threatened me by saying she would have me blackballed in the business, sending me pictures of self harm she said that I was cause of, etc. Shortly after I ‘randomly’ got popped for a piss test. Then my apartments
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
4. Where I was living (section 8) with a new gf kept getting random inspections and complaints on me. (It was against my lease to have her with me). I had been told that she had reached out to my job in the hope of getting me fired. She continued to message me even after I had
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
5. told her that even seeing her was giving me severe anxiety and panic attacks. I know, sounds stupid. But I had heard the rumors of things that went on well before I ever met them and realized it was in my best interest to just ignore it and try to move on.
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
6. Then @PhilEarley4 came out with his story. He needed me to help give context to his situation. After everything came out I received calls and messages from Jim, Stacey and their attorney claiming it was me, why would I do this, etc. I told them that the messages werent from me
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
7. and i had nothing to do with it. But everything lined up with what I had experienced. I have been a fucking mess since last Thurs night. I have had panic attacks and massive anxiety with all of this shit coming back up. I was informed that they were making Phil’s life hell
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
8. and I won’t stand by anymore. I wont let him be called a liar. I know this may damage me but part of my reasoning for not speaking out was being scared. Yeah I’m man enough to admit that I’m fucking terrified of typing this out. But its the right thing to do. I was then told
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
9. that on this past weeks show, Jim said that he talked to me and I was fine with it. I’m not and I said as much. I dont ‘kiss anyone’s ass when I see them’ I was raised to be polite and in a work setting i kinda have to be. I realize that I’m not a perfect person. And I know
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
10. that in life people make mistakes. I made a mistake by staying quiet about this. @PhilEarley4 doesn’t need to be called a liar, a fake or be stalked. He’s trying to do the right thing and help people. Thats something commendable and I’m proud of him for it.
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
11. We can be better. All of us. There are people who have been harmed way worse than me. Protect them. Protect the people helping others. Even at your own personal expense. I wont be bullied anymore by Stacey, Jim or anyone else. This isn’t for ‘clout, recognition or anything
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
12. else. This isn’t to get my name out there. I didnt want it out there. I wanted to get as far from this as possible. But this is the right thing to do to back a friend. Thanks for listening. Support good people doing good things.
— Josh Ashcraft (@JoshAshcraft) June 24, 2020
Il dipendente OVW aveva sentito voci e storie all’epoca come molti altri, ma il peggio è iniziato verso la fine del 2015. Ashcraft ha raccontato di come Stacey lo avesse minacciato di bandirlo e che gli avesse mandato foto di autolesionismo dando la colpa a lui.
La moglie di Jim Cornette avrebbe continuato a tormentare Josh anche quando ha iniziato a convivere con la sua ragazza, fino a portargli attacchi di ansia e di panico. Josh ha poi ricevuto messaggi dai Cornette dopo che Phil Earley ha reso nota questa faccenda.
La cosa gli ha portato ulteriori attacchi di panico e lo ha spinto ad aiutare Earley a confermare questa storia e ad affermare che quest’ultimo non è affatto un bugiardo e una persona falsa.